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Inlägg 1 av 3

2010-01-04, kl 22:56



Inlägg: 11


looking for programmers that think they can program a system for an commercial wireless hotspot. This is a tryout in an upcoming business idea, and there can be an opportunity to become a partner. please contact [email protected] if you are intrested. and please forward this to other people.

Regards Jens

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Inlägg 2 av 3

2010-01-04, kl 23:31




Inlägg: 40

It would be a good idea if you described more in detail what kind of system the developer would have to create since there are a lot of systems you can build in conjunction with a wireless hotspot

Jag är en av administratörerna av denna hemsida men står främst för utveckling av nya funktioner. Så om det är något du undrar eller saknar ett par funktioner släng iväg ett meddelande till mig

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Inlägg 3 av 3

2010-01-05, kl 00:14



Inlägg: 11

Hi Antoine.
Thank you for your post.

I am not a programmer / developer myself and don't know how these systems work or what kind of system is mostly used for hotspot systems. If I knew, I would tell.

Another point is that I don't want to go in detail here on an open forum. If there is a Programmer / Developer that thinks he or she can do this in any of the posible ways there are, I invite him or her to contact me. Then I will be able to give more details.

I hope that is a good reply on your post. Thank you again for your concerns

Regards Jens Mortensen
[email protected]

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